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The NINETY Blog.

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modern looking travelator
Career DilemmasTime to modernise your career? Think like a millennial.
We’re all in danger of getting left behind as Artificial Intelligence (AI) increasingly encroaches on our jobs.‍
Mike Stevenson
soldier back home
Career DilemmasHow to make an honourable discharge back into civilian life.
Leaving the armed forces can be a daunting prospect after years of structured and regimented living.
Mike Stevenson
woman running on a hilltop
Career DilemmasA high-flyer stuck in a holding pattern.
After two long, arduous years of a training contract, Catherine found herself thoroughly burned out.
Mike Stevenson

What are 5 tips for a successful job interview? Master your next job interview with these expert tips.

Bad Bosses & Difficult Managers

Working for a bad (or even toxic) boss? Use this simple action-plan to take control & address the challenges you're facing with them.

Mike Stevenson

Feeling bored in your current job? Here's a 3-step strategy to find a more engaging career.

Career Health & Wellbeing

Everyone feels bored at work from time to time, but there are many strategies to make your working life more engaging.

Career Dilemmas

In his book, 'The Second Curve', Charles Handy points out the increasing extent to which we must be responsible for our own careers.

Mike Stevenson
Career Dilemmas

In recent years there have been plenty of career-minded people coming to the UK from the continent to find good jobs.

Mike Stevenson
Career Dilemmas

Do you ever get the feeling that your talents are being wasted in your current job?

Mike Stevenson

Answer the question 'how do I know what career is right for me?' with our practical guide. Find direction and clarity on your career path.

Bad Bosses & Difficult Managers

Is your boss creating a toxic workplace & culture of fear? Here are 8 behaviours to look for to identify a bad boss or difficult manager.

Mike Stevenson
Career Dilemmas

People struggle, working evenings and weekends simply to keep afloat. And still the work piles up.

Mike Stevenson
Career Health & Wellbeing

Boost your confidence and conquer self-doubt in the workplace. Discover how to navigate your career when you lose confidence at work.

Career Dilemmas

This isn’t the 20th century any more. A seamless career path like James’s or Melissa’s is no longer the norm.

Mike Stevenson
Career Dilemmas

What you need is the reassurance of a support network more relevant to your situation than the local mother-and-baby group.‍

Mike Stevenson
Career Health & Wellbeing

A career break is when you take time away from work. Here's some expert advice for planning a break, and returning to work after.


Portfolio careers — what are they? What are the benefits? Plus 8 steps on how to build one.


Are you thinking: 'Why can't I get a job interview?'. Find out what you're doing wrong, how to improve your chances & get more job interview


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